Marta has 20 years of experience working with youth and adults in a range of settings, including private therapy, community mental health centers and public schools. She has worked with a range of clients from early childhood to older adult, but her focus is on helping adults who have experienced trauma, anxiety, depression, and grief and loss (including loss of a pet). She is a trained specialist in EMDR.
Marta provides a safe place for clients to access their strengths and work through change, disappointment, anger, betrayal, loss, depression, anxiety, a broken heart or simply a life that hasn’t turned out as expected. She is committed to working with clients as they heal, discover new perspectives and learn new ways of managing challenging emotions.
A strong believer in the power of nature to restore physical and mental wellbeing, Marta is open to having outdoor sessions. If a client wishes, therapy sessions can be done during walks or in a quiet spot outside.
Marta is originally from the Midwest but has lived in Colorado for over 20 years. Like a true Coloradan, she is an animal lover and proud dog momma to a sweet and enthusiastic golden retriever, Sam. Sam is in training to be a good citizens dog, and she will one day be able to be present during therapy sessions for clients who wish to have her there.
Marta values self-care practices and personally takes part in such activities, including regular exercise, yoga, mindfulness, spirituality, nutrition, human and animal connections, time in nature and as much laughter as possible.
Marta has her own counseling practice and contracts with City Park Counseling Center to provide services.